Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Words...That's it ... Just Words

We have some of the best conversations at our lunch table.  One teacher walked by and said, "It's always so enjoyable to walk past your table and just get the snippets of what you guys might be talking about.  Always entertaining!"  That it is!

So this week, we talked about words. How there are just some words that drive you crazy.  Some words that you can just do without hearing for the rest of your life.  Some that just inspire, or make you feel giggly. Some words that are just plain fun.

Like spelunking. Doesn't that sound like fun?  "Hey boss, can I have a day off to go spelunking?"  Sounds like a great day off. Or how about doppleganger? 

But then there are words you cringe every time you hear them. One of my lunch buddies doesn't like the word phlegm.  Right?  Even the way it's spelled. Kinda makes you feel phelgmy just spelling it.  Or how about mucus? Ewwwww!  Another says she doesn't like the word bulbous.  I guess I can see that. Kinda makes you think of a big ol' nose, Karl Malden style.
Photo courtesy CBS Photo Archive/Getty Images

Here's one...cutlet  Not sure how that one made the "don't like" list, cuz I just think it's a cute word. Kinda petite-ish. But one of the girls doesn't like it.

A few years ago, I wrote another post about words.  These were not words that necessarily create pictures in your mind, but will definitely elicit some sort of feelings as you read the words.

All of this sure makes you think about the power of words, doesn't it?  About the times we say things that might be meant one way but are taken another?  About how you may say to a kid, "quit your crying" but all they hear is, "I don't want to hear what you have to say."  Or how there can be a national debate on whether certain lives matter or whether all lives matter.  Yep, words are powerful...and fun...and gross.  But definitely powerful.

Hope I gave you some powerful thought today.  Go out and make someone's day with a kind word!

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Back at it...once again...for the eleventeenth time

Once again, it's been 6 months since I've written anything here.  I can list a myriad of excuses, none of which are good enough.  But this week, I simply mentioned on Facebook that I need to start blogging again and it didn't take long for some of my fave peeps to chime in with agreement.  So here I am again...

I've signed up for a free course in the science of happiness that we heard about through my job. I think a number of us are taking it.  Week one was a bit tedious, but I have hope it will get much better. I signed up because I recently came to the realization that I was tired of being angry about things and that I was more fulfilled when I lived a happy life. Y'know... "If you can see it, you can be it."

I believe in the law of attraction.  Now, I have some friends who will roll their eyes at this, but that puts a smile on my face. I first got word of it when I watched "The Secret."  The message resonated with me.  This week, I received an email with this message:
You are an electromagnetic being emitting a frequency. Only those things that are on the same frequency as the one you are emitting can come into your experience. Every single person, event, and circumstance in your day is telling you what frequency you are on. If your day is not going well, stop and deliberately change your frequency. If your day is going swimmingly, keep doing what you are doing.
Sometimes, you need reminders to live with happiness in your life. Sometimes, you need someone to show you what life can be if you just face a challenge. At Costco this morning, I walked past a mom and her son who were standing in front of a tower of skeleton heads. He was desperately trying to convince her to get them and would not move from there. She told him she would not get them until he picked up the box (assuring him it was not heavy). Apparently, the little guy was terrified of the tower of heads, but still wanted them. When I walked past again, I heard her say it was silly to be afraid of plastic. So I stopped...and I watched out of the corner of eye. And he finally pulled the box out. And I cried. And I hope Mom saw the glory in what her son accomplished, because she said "it only took us 45 minutes to get to this!"  But I gotta tell ya...that little boy made MY day.

I am really, really going to try to write here more often.  I'm going to try to bring more happiness to this world.  Because I believe that so much of what is happening in our world today is because we are emitting that "what's wrong with the world" frequency, instead of "what's RIGHT with the world."

We've got a family party this weekend.  Celebrating all the new persons that have come into our family.  It's going to be a great time. And for those who won't be able to make it due to distance, I hope we get to Facetime with them.