Thursday, November 24, 2011

The ABC's of Thanksgiving

If the only prayer you said in your whole life
was "thank you", that would suffice. 
- Meister Eckhart

Wishing you a restful day, filled with family and friends and good food and fun.  And here's my ABC's of Thanksgiving.  Since I wasn't able to come up with all of them on my own, I enlisted the help of my grandson, Cormick.  He's quite helpful when it comes to ABC's. 

Abundance & Appreciation
Bread (homemade) & Broccoli Casserole & Butternut Squash & Bailey's
Cranberries & Corn & Celebration
Desserts & Dressing (thinking of my Texas family)
Everyone gathers together & Early June Peas (that's for you, Jerry)
Family & Friends & Feast
Gratitude & Gravy & Green Bean Casserole
Happy Thanksgiving & Healthy Living
Jams & Jellies
Kin & Killing animals for food (thank you for this one, Cormick!)
Living (not just existing)
Mashed Potatoes
Nuts (family and otherwise)
Orange leaves & Orange candles
Pumpkin Pie
Quail (for some, not for me)
Roasted corn
Sweet Potatoes & Stuffing
Thanks & Turkey
Venison (not in our family, but at the first Thanksgiving, according to Cormick)
Whoopie pies (my new pumpkin favorite) & Wine
Xcited to be with family (don't judge me. I challenge you to come up with something better??)
Zzzzz (once the L-Tryptophan kicks in)

Thanksgiving day comes, by statute, once a year; 
to the honest man it comes as frequently as the heart of gratitude will allow.
- Edward Sandford Martin


Laura said...

Hey PK - what a wonderful post!!! The quotes are terrific. I must scrap them. I love the list, and I have challenged CT to come up with something for the letter "X". Happy Thanksgiving, my dear friend.

Ms. A said...

You did it, one for every letter!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Leanne said...

Fantastic!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE this, PK! That Mr. C!

Leslie Miller said...

Great list, Peggy (with Cormick's help)! I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving!