Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A YouTube that'll put a Smile on your Face.

Because I was registered as a survivor for the Relay for Life, I received a CD with some songs of hope, songs of inspiration. A couple of the songs were by Matt Wessel, an artist whose work I had not heard before. So, of course, I googled his name and came across not only a website for him, but a YouTube video of him and his bride singing this song at their reception. I can't get this tune out of my head, and I challenge you to watch this video and not have this tune in your head all day.


Leanne said...

This has been one of my favorite songs since the movie Juno came out, and has been on my IPod since then. Thanks . . . now it will be in my head all day!

Peggy K said...

I've had it in my head for days now!! Mostly the du du du du part!!

Matt Wessel said...

Haha - Thanks for the kind words. If you're in the Gurnee area, we're doing a show this Sunday at St. Paul's (March 14 at 4 p.m.)